Thursday 3 March 2011

JQuery and Update Panels or Script Manager

So many times we stuck up into problem of making Jquery work with update Panels/Script manager in (Ajax enabled sites). Now its not consistent on how we make jquery work in case ScriptManager based site in when compared to a site which does not use Script Manager so i thought of Creating a plugin to make things more consistent. Feel free to modify the code.

(function($) {
    * Author: Anirudh Gupta
    * This plugin checks if the update panels exists on the page 
    * if yes adds the specified code/function in Sys.Application.add_load
    * if not then adds it in $(document).ready function
    $.fn.CallCode = function(codeToRun) {
        * start of method : Run Code
        * This method checks if the codeToRun is a function or a string to evaluate 
        * incase of function - the specified function is called
        * incase of string - evaluates the string specified  
        function RunCode(codeToRun) {
            if ($.isFunction(codeToRun) == true) {
            else if (typeof codeToRun == "string") {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            * check if the page has update panel use sys.application.add_load 
            if (typeof (Sys) == 'undefined') {

            else {

                Sys.Application.add_load(function() {
----------------End of plugin --------------- 
how to use ?

<script src="CallCode.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!------- Works for both with Script Manager and without Script Manager ---->

   <script type="text/javascript">
       var i =1;
       $().CallCode(function() {
           $(".button").append("<input type='button' value='ClickMe'/>");
           $("input[type='button']").click(function() {
               $(".helloWorld").html(" i am in " + i + "times");

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
    <div class="button" />
    <div class='helloWorld'>

<!--------- another way to use  for simple operations ------->
 <script type="text/javascript">      
       $().CallCode('$("#helloWorld").html("i am in")');

Thursday 20 January 2011

Limit text or Show More script

Some times we need to limit the text in a Div and append " more" link at end and once the user clicks show more link, user will see full text without limit

Feel free to use the plugin the way you want. Leave a comment in case you like it or if you have any input

   * plugin to limit the text and add ShowMore link incase the text exceeds the limit  
   * on click of the link full text   
   $.fn.limitText = function(options) {  
     /*set up the defaults*/  
     var defaults = {  
       showMoreText: '...Show more',  
       chartLimit: 30,  
       fullText: ''  
     /*extend the defaults*/  
     var options = $.extend(defaults, options);  
     return this.each(function() {  
       var $elem = $(this);  
       var text = '';  
       * validation if the plugin is already attached, dont attach again  
       if ($elem.attr('limitTextAttached')) {  
       /*set the attribute to the element to avoid multiple attachement of the plugin*/  
       $elem.attr('limitTextAttached', 'attached');  
       * incase text of the element need to be used to trim   
       * if the options.fullText is specified then it will be used to trim   
       * and to append in the element  
       if ($.trim(options.fullText).length == 0) {  
         options.fullText = $elem.text();  
       text = options.fullText;  
       /*check if the text length is greater than charlimit specified*/  
       if (text.length > options.chartLimit) {  
         text = text.substring(0, (parseInt(options.chartLimit) - 1));  
         var showMoreLink = $("<a href='#'>" + options.showMoreText + "</a>").appendTo($elem);   {  
       else {  

use it like
$("#someDiv").limitText({fullText: 'hello world!!!!!'});
or if someDiv element already has any text in it then use it like simply

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Array Sort - Number expected in Internet Explorer

While working on sorting array for date with following code
/*sort the array with date*/
data.sort(function(a, b) {
var objA =;
var objB =;
var dateA = new Date(objA);
var dateB = new Date(objB);
return dateA - dateA;
i faced "Number expected" error in IE while it was working fine in other browsers.

Fix - Parse the return as Int like this
/*sort the array with date*/
data.sort(function(a, b) {
var objA =;
var objB =;
var dateA = new Date(objA);
var dateB = new Date(objB);
return parseInt(dateA - dateA);

Thursday 30 December 2010

Best Practices - JQuery

This space is for Best practices and various do & don'ts while writing JQuery code. (please drop comments if you (like)/(don't agree with) them or if you would like to contribute to the list)

Even before we start,first question we should answer is

In what cases we should be creating a plugin and in what cases we can simply write code in the page to do all the cool stuff?
In my view one should write a plugin if-

1. There are multiple functions required to be called to achieve one's requirement.Eg we need to convert a table to a grid, now this might require ajax functionality to get the data ,we might require functions to sort, filter etc and hence we should be writing a plugin for this. Now in other case in which we simply need to hide or show an element on click of a button , in that case we don't need to write a plugin for this.

2. In case we might want to extend the functionality in future. Again taking earlier example we might want to add filter/sorting etc to the table to grid functionality , in that case a plugin gives us better way to manage the code.

3. In case we may have various dynamic options which may change how a particular functionality works.In that case its always good to write a plugin and make use of default settings and then override those defaults by providing options while calling the plugin

4. Reusable Code : In case you would want to use the same bit of code across multiple pages/sites, its always good to code the functionality in a plugin and use it anywhere you want, rather than copy pasting the same bit of code again and again on multiple pages.

References :

note : i will be updating this post continuously as the scope for the subject is too big to be written in one go.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Search elements with custom attributes

Lately someone on forums wanted help for searching elements with custom attributes
just incase you have similar requirement -
<script type="text/javascript">
       $(document).ready(function () {
           var searchText = "a";  //change this as per required
           String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
               return (this.match("^" + str) == str)
           var divs = $("div").filter(function () {
               var elem = $(this);
               var validElem = false;
               $(elem.get(0).attributes).each(function () {
                   var node = this.nodeName;
                   if (node.startsWith(searchText) == true) {
                       validElem = true;
                       return false;
               return validElem;
 //now  following will return you number of divs having custom attributes starting with "a"       
 var length = divs.length;        

Saturday 20 November 2010

.net and JQGRID

Lately one of the forum user had issues with .net and jqgrid
Thread link :

anyone else who needs a reference for similar requirement , have a look at the link

Saturday 13 November 2010

BlinkMe - Blink elements

Sometimes we have required to have the elements blinked on some events and then detach it on some event

Following script will help achieve that

// Done by Anirudh Gupta
(function ($) {

$.fn.blinkme = function (options) {

var defaults = {
bordereffect: false,
bordercolor: 'red',
backgroundeffect: true,
backgroundcolor: 'yellow',
blinkinterval: 400,
eventstoattach: 'focus',
eventstodetach: 'blur'
options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function () {
var elem = $(this);
var intervalobj = null;
var bordercolor = elem.css("border-color");
var bgcolor = elem.css("backgroundColor");
elem.bind(options.eventstoattach, function () {
var blinked = false;
intervalobj = setInterval(function () {
if (blinked == true) {
'backgroundColor': bgcolor,
'border-color': bordercolor
blinked = false;
else {
if (options.bordereffect == true) {
'border-color': options.bordercolor
if (options.backgroundeffect == true) {
'backgroundColor': options.backgroundcolor
blinked = true;
}, options.blinkinterval);
elem.bind(options.eventstodetach, function () {
if (intervalobj) {
'backgroundColor': bgcolor,
'border-color': bordercolor
